Welcome! We would like to introduce the various possibilities of the Chinese medicine and the energetic static treatment (EST) to you here.


EST is a Chinese method of treatment adapted to western requirements, which I, Klaus Radloff, developed and have been teaching in Switzerland, among other countries, since 1972. EST is practiced by many therapists and is partially covered by health insurance companies in Switzerland as well as in Germany and Austria.


We adapt the EST treatments to the different needs of our patients. The results of these treatments are so convincing, that we can proudly claim ...


EST accomplishes what acupuncture, physiotherapy and massages promise ..!


The gentle alternative to chiropractic


Put us to the test!


Gabriela Christ EST therapist                  Klaus Radloff  

                                                           Founder of the EST-APM Switzerland



Would you like to obtain some independent information? Consult the discussion forum of EST/APM. You will find some useful information there. Or you may ask questions and receive answers from other EST/APM therapists.


In Europe there are more than 2,000 EST/APM therapists who trained under Klaus Radloff. Are you looking for a therapist in Switzerland, Germany, Austria? Some of the therapists are registered with VeT (Energetic Therapy association). Here the address.